1. Journal Title: SILABUS : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
  2. Initials: Silabus
  3. Abbreviation: Silabus
  4. Frequency: Januari, April, Juli & Oktober
  5. Print ISSN: 0000-0000 (Cetak)
  6. ISSN: 0000-0000 (Online)
  7. Editor in Chief: Nur Khasanah
  8. Managing In Chief: Dwi Noviani
  9. DOI: 10.61930 by
  10. Publisher: Penerbit dan Percetakan CV. Picmotiv
  11. Managed by: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Agama Islam Al-Qur'an Al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya
  12. Citation Analysis: Google Scholar

SILABUS : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia is one of the journals published by the Posgraduate of Publisher and Printing Cv. Picmotiv Palembang since 2024. It has been identified with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): e-ISSN : 0000-0000 and p-ISSN : 0000-0000, In 2024 Silabus: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia has been in collaboration with the Regional Board of Lecturers of the Indonesian Association of South Sumatera.

SILABUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia is published four times a year; in Januari and Juli. This journal is the result of a theoretical review or conceptual review in the field of education and teaching at all levels of education, such as various topics in the fields of education and teaching in primary schools, secondary schools and higher education, but is also not limited to research in the relevant field of education, such as several topics below:


1. Theories and foundations of education and learning

2. Philosophy of education and learning

3. Education and learning technology

4. Education and learning media

5. Education Evaluation

6. Education Management

7. Education and learning innovation

8. Education for all

9. Formal education

10. Informal education

11. Non-formal education

12. rural education

13. Urban education

14. Education and learning curriculum

15. Education Development

16. Education and learning policies

17. Learning methods and strategies

18. Learning assessment.


SILABUS : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia has been trying all the time to provide highly qualified scientific articles improvements in terms of format, style, and academic quality. It continues to publish research and studies relating to Education studies with various dimensions and approaches. The articles published in the journal can be written in Indonesian or English and with a fair peer-review procedure. SILABUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia has become a member of CrossRef with DOI: 10.61930/silabus so that all articles published by SILABUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia will have a unique DOI number.


 SILABUS : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): SILABUS : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
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